Saturday, September 7, 2013

Pencil Dispenser

Sometimes I don't know if things are working well because of the students I have or if I've actually found a better system. The pencil dispenser is one of those things. I originally saw the idea on Pinterest, in which they used a metal straw dispenser, but that was more than I was willing to spend. I ended up ordering a plastic straw dispenser from Amazon. There were quite a few people who had purchased this product and complained that it was damaged when they received it. Mine came well packaged, so I didn't run into that problem.

At the beginning of the year, three weeks ago, I gave every student a big eraser and wrote their name on it. I purchased them from the Dollar Store. They came in a package of 6 for $1.00. I think this has really helped to make the pencil dispenser idea work well, the pencils that get put back in the dispenser are still in pretty good shape.

I don't allow pencil sharpening during class time, because it is too distracting, and of course once one person needs to do it, they all need to do it. If a student needs a new pencil they quickly and quietly get up, go to the back counter, put their broken pencil in the "Please Sharpen" can, and get a new pencil from the dispenser. Quickly getting a pencil has been a big problem in the past. Students would stand at the pencil can and look through every pencil in order to find the best one. With the pencil dispenser they turn the knob and get whatever comes out. I love it!!!! Now, it could just be I have a good class this year, I've only had a couple chewed up pencils, but if this continues to work it will be worth the money. It actually already has been, because just getting through the first few weeks, teaching rules and procedures, can be tough.

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