Saturday, March 12, 2016

Tic-Tac-Toe with Words

I like to provide my students with fun and interactive ways to practice their words. One activity that I use during my phonics time is Tic-Tac-Toe with words. All of my students have reusable pockets and whiteboard markers, so it is easy for me to have my students pull them out to use.

Tic-Tac-Toe with words is super easy to play. I begin by reviewing all of the words that I have posted on the board with my class. Then I have students partner up and get out their reusable pockets or whiteboards, whiteboard markers and erasers.

Once students are ready to play they need to draw the Tic-Tac-Toe grid on their board. I initially had to show my students how to do this. It took them a couple of times, but they got it. The big issue was making the grid large enough for a word to fit. After students have finished their grid then each player picks a word. The game is then played much like the regular Tic-Tac-Toe, but with words instead of X's and O's. The first player writes their word in a box and says the word. The next player does the same thing using their own word. Players take turns writing and reading their words as they try to get three in a row. The first person to get three in a row is the winner. Students play again, but this time they need to pick an new word.

I hope that you will enjoy this idea. I know that my students enjoy it.

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