Friday, June 7, 2013

Addition Triangles

Today was the last day of school and you would think that I would be sitting back reading a book, but no. Instead I'm busy creating and posting new ideas. I guess it's just in the blood, although I did treat myself to a rare nap.

I decided to blog this evening, because I wanted to share my Addition Triangles activity. Moving forward with Common Core has given me an opportunity to evaluate the math activities that I'm already using and create others that are more specific to my Common Core needs. Addition Triangles is one of those activities. The timeline that our district is using this next year has my first graders working to master addition to 20 in the first trimester. That's a pretty big goal, so I need as many practice opportunities as I can get my students involved in to make that happen. Addition Triangles provides students with that practice by allowing them to work with math facts and become familiar with them. Students can do this in a pretty independent way and it has some built it in ways to differentiate. Students can either focus on one set of math facts, which would be the easiest version or they can mix the cards up and choose from all of the math fact cards, whichi is more difficult. Students can also use manipulative to show/prove their work and help build their understanding of math facts.

Addition Triangles are available at either my TPT Store or my Teacher's Notebook Shop. Please feel free to check it out.


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