Do you hate those black smudge marks after you try to erase your whiteboards? It drives me absolutely crazy! Trying to get my laminated word cards clean is an even bigger problem. I have tried board erasers, paper towels, whiteboard spray, baby wipes, and whatever else I could get my hands on. The baby wipes and spray work okay, but then I have to wait for my whiteboard to dry.
Well, here is a little trick that you might not know. You can use Magic Erasers to clean your whiteboards. They work GREAT! Don't wet them, just use them as they are. I cut mine in half because I use small whiteboards and word cards. Obviously, they get dirty, so after you are done using them you can give them a quick rinse and then let them dry before using them again.
This tip may not be practical for the large classroom whiteboard, but it is perfect for my online classroom. It is also perfect for small groups and for students who have individual whiteboards.
I found this tip online somewhere. I wish I could remember where so that I could give credit to that person. I have to admit, I didn't really think it would work that great, and I hadn't planned on trying it, so I didn't save the link. I had one lonely Magic Eraser left in my cleaning supplies, so I decided to try it. Yep, it worked. Now, I am a believer. I just went to the store and bought a new box of Mr. Clean Magic Erasers. They had a generic brand, but I didn't want to take any chances. I'm sure they would have been fine.
I hope that you find this tip as helpful as I did. Have fun erasing!