Saturday, August 24, 2013

Writing Response Chart

This was my first week back at school, lots of new faces and some familiar ones too. It was a good week. Some students came in of course missing mommy and daddy, but all came in ready and excited to learn. I love this, because it gets me excited.

One of the activities that I enjoyed the most this week was a writing activity that we did for our Writing Response Chart. We had already did our Back to School Interview and graphed students ages, so to have students write a response to the question "How old are you?" was perfect. I explained to students that even though we had discussed our age in class with each other, I wanted a writing that would tell parents how old the students in our class were (parents were coming that evening for Back to School Night). I loved it when a student said, "But our parents already know how old we are." I explained that it was not their parents they were writing for, it was the other parents that didn't know them, this was a good way to provide a purpose for their writing.

Students were told that they would need to introduce themselves and tell their age in their writing. They were provided with two framed sentences that they were to complete.
1. My name is ______ .
2. I am _____ years old.
As an extension for higher leveled students or anyone who wanted, I asked them to write a couple sentences about some of their favorite things.

After students completed their writing they placed it in the two pocket charts that I got during the summer at Target for $1.00. All 27 of my students are assigned a number, so they placed their card where there number is written. I had originally planned on having them place their card in front of the number, but as some of them started placing it behind, I decided I liked that better.

Anyways, it was a fun activity. It allowed me to see what students could do; support writing mechanics, provid support for struggling students, and challeng my higher level students. Pretty good, for $2.00, some index cards (donated by parents), and a sentence strip.

                                       I hope that you like this idea. Like I said I really enjoyed it.

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