My "What to Do When Someone Bugs You" packet is a resource that can be used as classroom posters and/or put together in a classroom book. There are four steps/strategies in this problem-solving packet. As this resource is used students learn to identify the problem, learn a helpful strategy, and then learn what to do if that strategy doesn't work. The last resort being to tell the teacher or an adult if none of the other strategies work, or if there is an emergency.
This isn't a resource just for the beginning of the school year. It really is a good resource to use/review when you see that students are struggling with relationships. The first clue is a lot of tattling (Ex. He won't leave me alone. She hurt my feelings.etc.). Problem-solving strategies are one of those things that young children need to be reminded of often. That is because they need to learn when to use them. Referring back to the posters allows students to think of new situations in which they can be applied.
If you are interested in this packet you can purchase it from my TpT Store. I've included the link below. I've also included my store link in case you would like to check out some of my other products.
Mrs. Navarre's TpT Store